The stories based on the Street Fighter III series. In the time following Seth's tournament and the fall of Shadaloo, many old and new warriors face each other during and after a new tournament hosted by the Illuminati leader known as Gill.
Alex vs Gill
Alex: You're the one I've been looking for! It's payback time for Tom.
Gill: And now that you have found me, your quest is over; permanently.
[Alex Wins!]
Dudley vs Gill
Dudley: So you're the one who pilfered my dad's car! Hand it over; now!
Gill: Oh? Let's see if you're worthy of such a fine automobile....
Hugo vs Ryu
Hugo: Hey, Karateka! How about becoming my partner?
Ryu: Partner? I walk this path alone. But if you wish to fight....
Ibuki vs Gill
Ibuki: You have something that doesn't belong to you; hand it over!
Gill: Of course. But only in exchange for your life, Shinobi girl.
Sean vs Ken
Sean: Master Ken! I've finally found the secret of my inner strength!
Ken: You've just begun your journey. It's time you realized that kid!
[Ken Wins!]
Ryu vs Oro
[Oro Wins!]
Alex vs Oro
[Oro didn't show up for his fight against Alex.]
3rd Strike
Alex vs Ryu
Alex: A karate uniform and headband... You must be Ryu. I've heard a lot about you! Now, I'll confirm those rumors.
Ryu: Hmm...I can see the power in your eyes...Don't hold back! Show me everything you've got!
Chun-Li vs Urien
Chun-Li: I don't know what your scheme is...But I can't let you harm small children! Where is that girl?
Urien: How could you ask to see me for such a trifle thing? You must be a fool! I'll give you the girl, but you must entertain me in return. Your legendary legs are said to have destroyed "that organization." Let me find out for myself, if the rumors about you are true...
Elena vs Makoto
Makoto: What's wrong with you?! Stop smiling like that! It's creepy! I'm here for a serious fight! I'll punish you if you make fun of me!
Elena: I just want to be your friend! That's the reason why we fight! So let's enjoy the battle!
Makoto: Friend?! I don't think I could ever understand you.
Ibuki vs Oro
Ibuki: Excuse me, are you a Sennin?
Oro: That's right. I'm the great Sennin! What do you want, girl?
Ibuki: (He's as old as they get, but he is also a master fighter, I guess...) Well, I know it's unusual, but I'm in the middle of graduation exam. They won't allow me to pass unless I defeat you in 5 minutes... So...Fight with me!
Oro: What?! I thought you wanted to go on a date with me! I'm disappointed!
Makoto vs Ryu
Makoto: I've heard about you... You're Ryu, aren't you? Your headband and that all-season Karate uniform! I can't be mistaken! Now, accept my challenge!
Ryu: Hmm... Your style is Karate... and you seem to be skilled. Interesting! Show me your best!!
Oro vs Akuma
Oro: Wow! You possess an incredible level of Chi! That's what you call...Evil intent? Impressive for a young man like you!
Akuma: I've heard about you, Sennin. Watch your words, or they will reveal your destruction.
Oro: You claim to be the master of fists...This disturbs me. The road to true mastery is much harder. Let us travel it now.
Ryu vs Ken
Ken: You never get bored of this, do you?
Ryu: I could say the same to you...
Ken: Okay then, I'll make this quick and easy for you. Prepare for defeat!
Ryu: You may think so, but I've still got the better win record! Stand strong!
Yang vs Yun
Yun: ...Why do you care about that so much? It's just a waste of time to determine who is stronger.
Yang: I know. I just...I'd like you to see the progress I've made in the last couple of weeks.
Yun: Okay then. I have no choice but to accept...Let me show you what kind of walls will always block your progress!
Yun (with Yang) vs Gill
Yun: So, you are Gill...What's up with your plan to conquer the world?! Wake up, already!
Gill: Youth tends to be reckless, but it is not my intention to blame you. Just think about it...What is the ideal way for you to live? It should be obvious to a boy like you. Just leave everything to me!
Yun: Arrrgh! Stop preaching to me! Let our fists do the talking!